Name: geom Version: Release: 5.svn222%{dist} Summary: SALOME Geometry Module # This library is LGPLv2 but links against the non-free OCE library License: LGPLv2 with exception URL: # Source is svn checkout since the last release is too old: # Source0: %{name}-%{version}-svn222.tar.gz Patch0: geom-cmake.patch Patch1: geom-includes.patch BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: OCE-devel BuildRequires: libXmu-devel BuildRequires: freeimage-devel BuildRequires: lib3ds-devel BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: graphviz BuildRequires: dos2unix %description A complete OpenCascade - OCAF based CAD framework. Note that this is not the original SALOME GEOM project but an effort to create a standalone framework based on the existing one from SALOME project, with the addition of extra functionality. %package doc Summary: Development documentation for %{name} Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} BuildArch: noarch %description doc Development documentation for %{name}. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel Development files and headers for %{name}. %prep %setup -q -c %{name}-%{version} %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 dos2unix -k LICENCE.lgpl.txt chmod 664 inc/GEOMImpl_FaceDriver.hxx chmod 664 inc/GEOMImpl_IFace.hxx chmod 664 src/GEOMImpl/GEOMImpl_FaceDriver.cpp # Don't use bundled library rm -rf src/Exchange3DS/lib3ds %build rm -rf build && mkdir build && pushd build LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed"; export LDFLAGS %cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DUSE_EXTERNAL_LIB3DS=TRUE \ .. make %{?_smp_mflags} # Build documentation make doc popd # Remove install script since we don't need it. rm -f doc/html/installdox %install pushd build make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %doc LICENCE.lgpl.txt README.LINUX %{_libdir}/*.so.* %files doc %doc doc/html %files devel %{_includedir}/* %{_libdir}/*.so %changelog * Fri Feb 17 2012 Milos Komarcevic - - Added more explicit shared linked libraries * Sat Feb 11 2012 Milos Komarcevic - - Added pkg-config BR, used to find lib3ds in cmake * Sun Feb 05 2012 Milos Komarcevic - - Added lib3ds BR, remove bundled source at build time - Updated Doxyfile template to use OCC_INCLUDE_PATH * Tue Jan 24 2012 Milos Komarcevic - - Corrected license - Added missing BRs * Sun Jan 22 2012 Milos Komarcevic - - Initial packaging